Factors You Should Consider To Choose The Right Type Of Dental Implant

The primary function of a dental implant is to replace a lost tooth or teeth. But they also play a significant role in many other dental procedures. Dental implants are sometimes used as anchors for those wire-held dentures because of their stability and resistance to decay. These wires hook around the implants to provide more stability and comfort than those that need to be secured using adhesive. One type of dental implant cannot be the solution for all. Find a reliable dental clinic if you need implants in Southall.

How To Select The Right Type of Dental Implants?

  • Length vs Diameter: There are two major parameters to determine the size of a dental implant: length and diameter. This is important during a tooth replacement. For example, a dental expert will most likely choose a wider diameter implant to replace a larger tooth, like molars and incisors. They may also prefer using shorter dental implants to prevent interfering with anatomical structures like nerve canals and maxillary canals.

  • Tissue vs Bone Level: This is another important factor for dental implant selection. A tissue-level dental implant is easy to clean and maintain for the patient as the connection between the implant screw and tooth restoration sits at the gum level, making it easily accessible using a normal toothbrush. But this option is not appealing aesthetically as the silver metal collar of the implant may be noticeable around the gum line. On the other hand, a bone-level implant sits nearly 3-6 mm below the visible gum line, but this is difficult to maintain and clean. But you can do it with regular oral hygiene like tepe brushes and flossing.

  • Tapered Implants: There has been an evolution in the surface design of dental implants over the years. This surface remains in contact with the patient’s bone. Hence, upgrades in the design have incredibly improved bone-to-implant contact and osseointegration. There are various implant shapes available to use. A dentist can influence a number of factors by choosing the right tapering on each implant, like the stability of the implant and the time it will take for the patient to have their final implant-supported tooth placed.

Sterling Private Clinic has the best dentists in Southall. You can count on them for the best dental implants and other dental treatments.

How to Determine Whether Your Teeth Need a Root Canal?

A root canal is an endodontic treatment that can save you from the pain of extracting a decayed or damaged tooth. Even a few years back, this treatment was dreaded among dental patients. However, modern-day medical marvels have made the treatment virtually pain-free.

Why Root Canal?

Knowing when to go for a root canal in Southall is highly important. You should always consult your endodontist to determine if your teeth seriously need it. Here are some situations where you may have to undergo a root canal.

3 Signs that You Need to Undergo Root Canal:

Knowing when to go for a root canal in Southall is highly important. You should always consult your endodontist to determine if your teeth seriously need it. Here are some situations where you may have to undergo a root canal.

  1. The Gums are Dark and Swollen: Irritated, swollen or discoloured gums are the root cause of various dental problems. This condition can happen for various reasons, out of which teeth infection is the most common. Your dentist can understand the seriousness of this issue and recommend proper treatment.
  2. Tooth Sensitivity: It is a common dental issue that many faces while consuming hot or cold foods or drinks. Sensitivity of the tooth is a prominent sign of infection or irritation inside your tooth pulp. A specialist generally recommends undergoing a root canal to retain the integrity of your teeth.
  3. Pain While Chewing: Dental pain is a serious issue that needs prompt diagnosis. This can happen due to several dental issues, like tooth cracks, gum, and other diseases. A complete root canal treatment can ensure this issue does not happen again.

When considering a root canal treatment for your teeth, these factors are important. Do not forget to consult with your dentist before taking such an important decision. They can provide you with the right guidance for dental surgery in Southall and care to get relief from dental issues.

Teeth Whitening with Home Whitening Kit

White and bright teeth can boost your confidence whenever you are meeting someone special or attending a special event. Be it your wedding, first date, important client meeting or a PTM at your child’s school – stained teeth can cause embarrassment. Thus, it is important to take care of teeth and keep them white and stain-free. Unfortunately, the majority of people cannot keep their teeth as white as they have them initially. Yellowish teeth, black patches or unsightly stains are common. You can get rid of these issues with the help of the home teeth whitening method in Southall.

Your teeth can get those patches for various reasons. Sometimes it is your food habits and lifestyle, and in some cases, it can be a particular medical condition or medication that can cause stained teeth.

Types of Teeth Whitening Procedures

Surgical Process: This technique involves laser treatment to remove patches from teeth and give them a whiter and brighter appearance.

Home Teeth Whitening Kit: This kit contains different products that can be used by the patients themselves at their homes according to their convenience and the advice of their dentists.

How Does Home Teeth Whitening Procedure Work?

  1. For this, first, you need to meet a certified and licensed dentist in a reputable Dental Clinic in Southall. He will inspect your teeth thoroughly and determine what type of whitening treatment will suit you.
  2. After consulting the dentist, a mould will be taken to prepare the whitening tray inside an advanced lab under the supervision of highly qualified technicians.
  3. Now, you need to come to collect that kit, especially designed and prepared for your teeth by experts. You can start using that tray from the very first day at home for two weeks.

Benefits of Teeth Whitening Process

  • You will get the desired white and bright smile
  • This process is the safest and most cost-effective way to lighten the current shade of your teeth.
  • It is convenient for everybody since they can use the kit according to their lifestyle and daily schedules.
  • You do not need to visit your dentist frequently for several whitening sessions once you choose a home teeth whitening kit after consulting an expert.
Is There Any Risk?

Recent studies have made it clear that the use of carbamide peroxide to whiten teeth is not harmful. If you go through the process under the observation of a certified and experienced dentist, there will be hardly any risk.

For more details, you can visit the website of Sterling Private Clinic.

Time to Know More about the Probable Causes of Bleeding Gums

One has to follow different dental care routines to maintain the teeth. It is one of the most important parts of the oral cavity which needs constant attention and care. The dental condition may degenerate and develop several issues if there is a lack of care.

More About Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums is one of the most common dental issues. Redness and severe pain in the gum are some symptoms of this disease. While many perceive bad oral health as the primary cause of this problem, there may be various other underlying conditions.

What are the Causes of Bleeding Gums?

Here, one can learn more about the causes of bleeding gum disease. For a complete diagnosis, the patient should visit a well-known centre for gum disease treatment in Southall.

  • Severe Brushing: Brushing technique is vital for the gums. One must remember that brushing too hard does not clean the teeth better. Instead, this practice contributes to gum decay and bleeding gums. One conventional solution would be using brushes with soft bristles. The user should try to reach all corners of the teeth instead of vigorously brushing the same area multiple times.
  • Lack of Nutrients in Diet: A balanced diet is necessary for maintaining oral health. Excessive consumption of processed and sugary foods can be deterrent to the teeth and the gums. One should follow a balanced diet including lots of fruits and vegetables. It is also important to eat foods rich in Calcium, Magnesium and different types of Vitamins.
  • Plaque on the Gums: This is one of the primary causes of gum bleeding. Plaque is a sticky deposit in the gums when someone doesn’t wash their mouth properly after eating food. If this problem is not addressed early, it can evolve into Gingivitis, which causes the gums to bleed. Gingivitis contributes to several gum diseases, which can cause tooth loss in adults.
  • Medication: Several blood-thinning medicines weaken blood clotting, which aggravates bleeding gums. The situation may get worse for people undergoing dental procedures that are prescribed these medicines. These include teeth extraction and dental implant replacement. So it is prudent to disclose to the dentist the medications before undergoing any dental surgeries.

One should notice the points mentioned above to prevent various gum diseases. One can visit a trusted source like Sterling Private Clinic to eliminate the inconveniences. They have a team of professionals who can help prevent different gum diseases, including bleeding and receding gums. Their periodontal treatment is simple, comfortable and consumes less time. One can contact them to know more.

Coping with Missing Teeth: Dental Implants Are the Clear Choice

One can lose teeth for different reasons. Poor oral health, dental infection and injuries or trauma are some of the common causes of losing teeth. No matter how you have lost your teeth, you can regain them with the help of the right dental implants.

Dental implants Southall are the clearest choice for patients who have been coping with missing or broken teeth for several days. It is important to choose the right surgeon to ensure the best treatment for implants. You cannot take things lightly, especially while opting for full dental implants. Only an experienced and certified dental expert should offer you the treatment after checking your oral health thoroughly.

Why Do You Need Dental Implants?

Oral discomfort can be a strong motivation for many people to seek proper dental treatment. Missing or broken teeth can cause severe discomfort . Especially if you lose all your teeth, you will feel miserable while eating, sleeping, or talking. It will affect your overall lifestyle to a great extent. The additional pain is another strong reason to seek an immediate solution.

A dental implant is considered one quick, easy, reliable and cost-effective solution to solve the problem of lost teeth. Try to find a reliable dental clinic where full dental implants are offered by experienced and certified dentists.

What is the Procedure?

An artificial tooth fixed above the gum is not a dental implant. It is a much critical, permanent and effective solution for people who are suffering from lost teeth. 

In this process of dental implants, a titanium anchor is fixed to the jaw to fasten the crown to the jaw. This is called the implant that works as the natural root of the teeth and ensures that the crown will be fitted strongly on the jaw for a longer period. 

To obtain the maximum efficiency of this anchor implant, you must contact a qualified surgeon. It often encourages new bone development in the jaw line and improves your overall oral health.

Choosing the Right Dental Implant Expert

Look for a certified, experienced, licensed and reputable dental implant specialist to obtain reliable service. Visit a clinic that has a great reputation in a certain locality. These clinics are committed to delivering insured dental treatments within a hygienic and comfortable environment.

Few Signs Indicating That You Should Remove Your Wisdom Teeth

The third and final set of molars that help people eat raw foods like meat and roots is wisdom teeth. Though it is quite natural for them to grow between the ages of 17 and 21, it might cause some issues. You might have to get rid of it if it is causing continuous pain or discomfort. A few major and minor signs indicating that you should get your wisdom teeth removed. To make the process hassle-free, choose a reputable dental clinic in Southall. They will examine your mouth to assess the condition and position of the wisdom teeth. They will also let you know if it is time to remove it through dental surgery.

3 Signs You Need Wisdom Teeth Removal In Southall

•           Excessive Gum Irritation

Gum irritation is a very common issue. A common sign of periodontitis is red and swollen gums. Your dentist will clean your teeth minutely and advise you to brush and floss your teeth twice daily. If the irritation recurs, it might be because of a worse case of gum disease, or your wisdom tooth is emerging from the gums. You will notice that the irritation has reduced after removing the teeth. The surgery is less painful than tender gums.

•           Odd Taste Or Bad Breath

Though one of the most common causes of bad breath is stomach ulcers, it can also occur due to wisdom teeth. When it erupts through your gums, it causes pockets at the back of your mouth, which are hard to clean with a regular toothbrush. As a result, bacteria starts growing in that area fast, and you might experience bad breath. Visit a dentist, and he will clean your mouth properly. If you still can’t get rid of the odd taste and bad smell, you might require dental surgery in Southall and remove the wisdom teeth.

•           Excess Pain In That Area

A common sign indicating that your wisdom teeth are emerging from the gums is excess pain in that area. The teeth start growing at the back of your mouth, and the pain can spread to the other parts. Most of the time, you can’t get rid of the pain by taking some painkillers. If the pain starts disturbing your jaw or leads to chronic headaches, you should visit a reputable dental clinic in your city. The dentist will determine the cause of the pain so you can get rid of it.

Since you are now aware of the common signs indicating that you should remove your wisdom teeth, visit a reputable dental clinic like Sterling Private Clinic for dental surgery.

Why Your Child Needs Braces? Know from the Experts

Braces play a vital role in determining the shape of children’s teeth when they grow up. It has a positive aspect on their orthodontic health in the coming years. As a parent, it should be a tough decision to take your child to the orthodontist for braces in Southall. There are lots of factors to be considered before the actual process happens.

The best thing to do is take your child to the orthodontist and let them hear what braces can do for them from the mouth of the experts. 

Benefits of Braces for Children

Baby teeth eventually fall out. Hence, most of the time, parents think that the shape and size of baby teeth are not very important. But, the fact is they play a critical role in determining the position of their adult teeth. 

As per the experts, childhood is the right time to start orthodontic treatments. It is always better to correct certain dental issues at the very early stage instead of waiting for the “right time” to come.

  • Braces straighten the position of your child’s teeth.
  • Braces give them a healthy and proper bite.
  • They can have a good oral shape by the time they step into their teen or early adulthood.
  • Straight and well-aligned teeth are easier to clean and maintain.
  • Cleaner teeth are free from germs attacks and keep the gums healthy as well.
  • Your child can get rid of the embarrassment that is common for people with crooked teeth.
  • The overall oral hygiene and health of your child can be maintained from a very early age with the help of braces.

 Braces for Kids: Ensure Lifetime Healthy Teeth

Childhood is the best time to get braces if someone has crooked or misaligned teeth. Apart from all the benefits mentioned above, your child can enjoy healthy and problem-free oral functionality throughout life because of braces. As a parent, it is your responsibility to prepare your child for braces and let them understand the benefits before they start using the device.

Types of Braces Available in the Market

There are different types of braces available in the market that you can choose for your child. You should visit a reliable private dentist in Southall for the right suggestions. Your orthodontist will help you to understand the differences between all these types of braces are and what are their pros and cons.

  1. Traditional metal braces
  2. Self-ligating braces
  3. Mini braces
  4. Ceramic braces
  5. Invisalign

At Sterling Private Clinic, we offer a wide range of orthodontist services to our clients as per their requirements. We have specialists of braces who can handle critical cases with ease. If your child needs braces, our experts will suggest the right treatment for him.

Please get in touch with us to know more.

Is Anesthesia Mandatory During Your Dental Implants?

Dental implants are the process of replacing tooth roots. It provides a strong foundation for removable replacement teeth. The implants can support full arch and partial teeth restorations. Get in touch with a dentist if one or most of the teeth are missing in your mouth. You will get the stable support required for speaking and eating. Most of the implants can last for around 25 years if they get the proper care. If you want to undergo dental implants with complete peace of mind and yield long-term results, know more about the procedure.

Why Do People Feel Anxious Before The Surgery?

Though dental implants have become a very common surgery nowadays, people still experience some anxiety before undergoing the procedure. Most of them are not aware of the process dentists follow during the implant. The dental implant is a very simple process so you can have complete peace of mind. The dentist will make some drilling and incisions into the jawbone before placing titanium posts. To keep the patient calm and reduce his anxiety, the dentist might administer anesthesia. Most people are worried about whether the procedure will require local anesthesia or general anesthesia.

Why Do Dentists Prefer Local Anesthesia?

Generally, local anesthesia is sufficient for dental implants. The doctor will administer it using a syringe or a topical cream. It provides localised pain relief so you won’t feel any pain on the implant site. The effects of local anesthesia don’t wear off easily, so you will get adequate time for at least eight dental implants. Still, there are a few situations when the doctor might recommend undergoing general anesthesia.

Close-up of patient’s open mouth during oral checkup with mirror near by

How Long Does It Take For Dental Implants?

The process is quite fast. Schedule an appointment with your dentist at Sterling Private Clinic, and you can install one single implant. Some dentists even use advanced systems to plot the exact location of the implant before placing the titanium posts. You can get almost eight dental implant posts on the same day. The posts are sturdy enough to support an entire set of dentures.

Is The Process Painful? Do They Require Any Aftercare?

Though it doesn’t take a long time to install dental implants in your mouth, newly installed implants require a bit of aftercare. You might experience mild or moderate pain, and your gums might become tender or swollen after the effects of local anesthesia fade. If necessary, your dentist might even suggest some over-the-counter medication or prescribe some pain killers. You can expect the tenderness or mild pain to last for a few days.

To know more about dental implants, get in touch with the experienced dentists at Sterling Private Clinic. They will assess the state of your teeth and gums to make sure that you are suitable for the implant procedure.

Know More About Ceramic Braces Before Straightening Your Teeth

An easy way to straighten your uneven teeth is with dental braces. Though there are numerous clinics you can approach for high-quality braces, one of the complicated tasks is to choose the right variety. They are one of the most noticeable features of our face. If you are unsure, you can ask your dentist to choose something appealing, functional and suits your dental needs. The type of braces you choose will impact your oral health and boost your confidence.

Metal Or Ceramic Braces?

Gone are the days when metal braces were the only option available for people with uneven teeth. They were awkward and visible from a distance which made them a source of embarrassment for the wearer. Ceramic braces are a better alternative as they are less visible. But before you visit a dentist for ceramic braces, know more about them. Your dentist will share a few tips to maintain them.

Common Signs You Need Ceramic Braces

  • Overcrowding
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Underbites
  • Overbites
  • Crossbites

How Do Braces Help To Straighten Your Teeth?

Braces are tried and tested orthodontic treatment to straighten the teeth of children and adults. It is an easy way to achieve a radiant smile and boost your confidence with straighter teeth. If you are suffering from misaligned teeth, the easiest way to improve your facial appearance is by getting braces. They are specially designed to apply constant pressure on your teeth for a long duration so they can slowly move in the direction the dentist wants. Ceramic braces have bands and brackets which work together to align your teeth. Generally, it takes around one or two years to straighten your teeth. It can vary depending on how severe the patient’s teeth are.

Why People Think Twice Before Getting Braces?

Getting braces does not necessarily mean that you have to wear those traditional metal ones. Just make sure that the braces centre or dental clinic you are visiting has years of industry presence and they will let you choose from a wide variety of braces. You will be surprised to know that modern ceramic braces are so small that they are not even visible. You can rest assured that the braces won’t disrupt your professional or social life.

Few Long-Term Benefits Of Wearing Ceramic Braces

  • It is easy to brush and floss straight teeth, which improves your oral health.
  • Straighter teeth have less wear and tear
  • You can speak, chew and swallow with ease.
  • The chances of tooth decay and gum disease reduces.

This being said, it’s time you get in touch with the experienced dentists at Sterling Private Clinic for ceramic braces. They use cutting edge dentistry technology.

4 Distinct Differences Between Traditional Braces and Invisalign

As the name suggests, Invisalign is a removable and invisible pair of aligners used to improve the teeth structure. Traditional braces are similar in terms of functionality; however, they’re permanent and can’t be removed as and when the patient wishes.Dental clinics prefer both as a form of restructuring teeth.

Non- aligned teeth cause’ low self-esteem and lowers the confidence level of the individual. Although teeth are hidden behind the lips,  for a beautiful and breathe taking smile, teeth are important. Hence, from a young age, dentists suggest concentrating on restructuring them. Previously, traditional braces were the only option of treatment for the same. However, with technological advancement, Invisalign has gained much popularity in this frame of treatment.

Although, as stated above, both are beneficial and workwell, however, each has its own set of pros and cons. The final choice depends on the user’s perspective.

Aesthetic Factor

Metal braces are non-removal and are permanently attached to the teeth. This can be uncomfortable  especially for  kids. On the other hand, Invisalign is a customised set of plastic braces, which can be removed easily whenever you want.


Depending on the level of care, both treatments are effective and can give you good result. However, for complex teeth structures, traditional braces are the only option left. On the other hand, for the standard cases, you can opt for the Invisalign services. Since the Invisalign can be removed from the teeth, you have to wait patiently to get the correct structure of the teeth.

Maintenance Costs

Metal braces collect food particles around the metal trays, leading to bacteria and fungus formation in the teeth over time. Since you can’t remove a brace, your teeth will also start decaying if the bacteria and fungus are not cleaned. Thus, the maintenance cost of this treatment is high. You might have to pay frequent visits to the dental clinic for getting your braces cleaned. On the other hand, with Invisalign’s on, there’s no such problem. Just remove the plastic set of supportive structure from your teeth and clean it with affordable denture cleaning products.

Restrictions Related

The dentists will provide you with a list of do’s and don’ts that you have to follow when you start wearing braces. You’re not allowed to eat sticky and hard foods. Moreover, you have to control your sweet tooth to have no cavities formed in your teeth. In the case of Invisalign, you can eat whatever you like. The primary reason being they are removable.

At Sterling Private Clinic, we provide two types of orthodontic treatments, namely Invisalign and braces. Our six months smile braces are an easy, feasible and quick option to treat unstructured crooked teeth. Moreover, we also specialise in Invisalign treatment depending on the choice of the patient. Call and fix your appointment for the best tooth treatment in town.

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